Blogger Power and Why You Need It

Fiona Chapman
4 min readSep 26, 2020

Are you “on the fence” when it comes to the merits of blogging? The industry continues to evolve and grow, presenting opportunities all over the internet. Blogging wields power to both brand and blogger alike. Here’s why you need it.

A Brief History of Blogging

Blogging has been around since the 1990s, and has evolved from its original term of “weblog”; a log of internet activity. In the late ’90s and early ’00s, blogging became a creative outlet for individuals wishing to document an open diary. Readers could comment on articles, and website owners discovered the ability to monetise their blog posts in the form of ads and sponsored posts.

The rise of platforms such as WordPress and Blogger, and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, has turned blogging itself into an industry. Bloggers and micro-bloggers have the power to influence, engage and interact with their followers, and brands are harnessing that power.

Why Blogging is Important For Your Business

Whether you’re a brand or an influencer, blogging is what gets your information out there. You have a story to tell, and you need to reach your audience. The term “Content is King” is more relevant than ever.

Google has become a verb, as people turn to the internet as a source of information. And if you want your information to be found, you need to display it where the search engines can find it.

A blog presents information in real-time, and it can turn that information into evergreen content for Google, Bing, or any other search engine to find, especially if that content has been optimised for SEO. A blog increases your visibility on the web, reaching corners you’ve never even considered.

Bloggers and Influencer Level

Why do bloggers have so much power, and why do you need it? When you consider the work us bloggers put in to growing our social channels and websites, you’ll see the dedication and passion that flows through every social media post and every article.

Like beautifully cultivated flowers, followers are grown organically. They seek out influencers, because they have a shared problem or interest. And us bloggers and influencers care about our followers and want to serve them. Followers and influencers are friends: our relationships are built on trust.

There are different types of bloggers, at different stages of their blogging journey and influence level, each with their own unique power.

Nano Bloggers, with an average following of 500 – 1,000 followers, generally have a high engagement rate.

A Micro Blogger, with a following of 1,000 to 10,000 followers, will have spent time building their influence level and expertise. Consistent growth also results in a level of trust.

Macro Bloggers generally have a following of over 10,000. They provide a strong level of influence due to the time they’ve spent growing their platform and social channels, and with time comes experience and expertise. They know what they’re talking about.

What Brands Can Expect From a Blogger Collaboration

With influence across such a broad spectrum, bloggers can offer brands a range of services. From sponsored posts, to instagram grid posts or stories, to shares on social media. You might agree a one-off promotion, or a campaign series.

For example, through my personal finance blog, Miss Penny Money, I’ve worked with brands including Redwigwam, 20cogs,, and Panasonic. Services range from simple SEO-optimised blog posts, to topical/seasonal articles with call-to-action copy to encourage CTR and sign-ups.

I’m passionate about my content output, so I create eye-catching graphics and web copy to drive traffic to its required destination. Readers trust that content because I like to promote brands I believe in. Brands that will resonate with my audience, for products or services that will help them, or solve a problem.

A Blogger’s Skills and Abilities

The true power of a blogger is marketing – with a difference. Why do you need it? Because a blogger adds the kind of service you can’t match in-house.

We give great customer service, because we love our readers. Bloggers work hard because we’re passionate about the subject we believe in and what we do. We want to be true to our audience, because they’re giving us their time.

Of course, we’re also Social Media Marketers; SEO Specialists; Digital Marketers; Content Writers; Email Marketers and Analytics Specialists. To name a few. We’re all of these things because we want to know, and like to see, what works and what doesn’t. We’re passionate about growth, both business and personal. We strive for freedom and a change in convention.

We provide extra added value, which needn’t be underestimated.

Bloggers can improve your SEO ranking, increase your revenue, and grow awareness for your brand. A good blogger outreach service can do all this for you, and more.

Why Blogging is Great for Your Career and Bank Balance

If you’re an aspiring blogger, or are just starting out, there are so many reasons why blogging can be good for your career and personal development. It opens up so many opportunities, not least the chance to get paid to work with brands.

You’ll develop skills in graphic design, social media, SEO, planning, strategy and organisation. Choose WordPress as your platform and you’ll learn how to navigate a content management system that powers over one third of the internet.

You’ll grow as a writer, opening up further opportunities to write elsewhere – and be paid for it.

If you’ve been away from the workplace to bring up a family, blogging provides the opportunity to learn a new skillset and grow together with technology.

Your blogging journey could pave the way for a complete career change. If the entrepreneurial lifestyle appeals to you, you might choose the path of self-employment as a blogger/writer/digital marketer over traditional employment, and Be Your Own Boss.

For those just starting out, a great platform to find paid blogging work is Get Blogged. There are opportunities for brand new bloggers as well as those who are more established.

Whatever your reasons for starting a blog or needing a blogger, you’ll certainly get out what you put in.

This post was originally published on, personal finance blog by Fiona Chapman.



Fiona Chapman

Freedom lifestyle wordsmith. Writing about mindset, wellbeing, & living life on your terms. Anything is possible. Failure only happens when you quit.